About TLM

TLM is the result of a synergy between two groups of businessmen who, although they were linked to the fruit, had no relationship with each other. Thanks to this union in 2016, it was possible to solve the need to unite the main players in the fruit industry, the producer with the end customer through a stable and lasting relationship over time.

Throughout the campaigns, very good and beneficial results have been seen. Where the friendship and harmony of those involved have been the main engine of success.

The foregoing has allowed TLM to have commercial participation in countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Holland, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Dubai, China, North Korea, Japan, Taiwan, just to name the main or of greater volume. Likewise, each year more farmers/products join the offer from Peru, Chile, Mexico and the US to market their fruit through TLM's commercial networks.

Gonzalo Hernandez
New Business Director


Commercially unite producers/exporters with the importer or retailer, establishing close ties of friendship and collaboration over time. Meet the expectations of each one, generating better and greater opportunities that allow permanent and lasting growth over time.


Long-term relationships, taking into account the requirements of consumers and motivating producers/exporters to innovate in continuous improvement in all our processes in order to stand out from the rest and adapt to changes and their speed. .


A. Commitment to the quality of our products.
B. Teamwork with discipline and respect.
C. Trust, which provides security and stability.
D. Transparency, we act with responsibility, honesty and commitment.
E. High performance in search of growth, sustainability and profitability